Hi Gainium,
So we are having more and more nice notifications. But they all appears with red dot, and I think it will be better to use different colors, preserve red for problems only would be great for stress management.
Hi Gainium,
So we are having more and more nice notifications. But they all appears with red dot, and I think it will be better to use different colors, preserve red for problems only would be great for stress management.
What do you mean by red dots? I don’t have any
Did you possibly choose bot names with red dots in them?
On the bell button, anywhere in app interface. Saying you have 1 something to read.
No it’s not in bot list.
Not the green one. I’ve cleared them already, will be back on next notification.
Well the red badge is precisely to call your attention. The problem is that we don’t have space to make each type their own button. But maybe we can include a green badge when it’s an announcement or changelog and a red one when it’s errors
Priority. Problem have priority so will be red, or something else if not a problem but announcement, etc.
Would be great.
Great, Thx