DCA Mode: Required change

Why do you think that this is the expected behaviour? What formulas do you use? Is there a documentation about it?

For me those results appear to be wrong for the reasons I explained above.

  • No separation between take profit and required change despite those are different and the first always smaller than the first

  • Average price not taken into account

  • Required change after adding a safety order isn’t as configured

  • Higher fund usage than required to change the average price of the deal, that the required change is as configured

  • Display of DCA Order Amount though not relevant for required change

  • After switching to Custom or Technical indicator the required change is visible at first but than disappears forever until the page is reloaded

  • Required change is only available for Scaled but no other option

Feel free to prove me wrong and I am the first to admit my mistake.

But as I currently see it, with that implementation that feature is fully useless for me.

And I would also warn everybody else to currently use it.

Maybe @Iamtheonewhoknocks, @EmuMoon or @ttpbots could check our comments, since they have implemented that feature in their strategies as well.