thanks for a detailed response
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[ Start )
4h * T T F T ?
| |xxxxxxx|xxxxxxx| |xxxxxxx|???????
2h * * T T T F * * T ?
| | |xxx|xxx|xxx| | | |xxx|???
1h * * * * T F F T F T * * * * * * F T ?
| | | | |x| | |x| |x| | | | | | | |x|?
Bot start interval:
[ = inclusive
) = exclusive
Time frames:
4h = 4 hours
2h = 2 hours
1h = 1 hour
On candle close:
F = false
T = true
* = false or true
? = to be continued
x = active
= inactive
? = to be continued
Each condition of a lower time frame requires the condition of higher time frames to become active before it can become active, too. If the conditions of all time frames are active, then the bot gets a signal.
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