Unlimited Trading on Bybit and OKX with Gainium – Use Our Affiliate Link

Send me your account ID, I will ask.

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sent to your inbox…thanks Ares

Hello @aressanch, thanks for this great opportunity. Please can I link API from a sub-account of my new Bybit account (with your Ref ID)? Or must it be my main account to get the Unlimited trading?

main account only brother

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Thanks buddy!

Completed the entire process and my $20 reward given! Thanks Gainium family :pray: :people_hugging:!
Just waiting for the 24hrs restrictions from Bybit to expire then I’ll resume trading. So happy!


Hi Guys
I created everything from scratch, i.e. a new Bybit account linked to a new email and a new KYC registration, verified Ok, created APi and connected to Gainium, filled out the form to receive promo 20$, I still see Account Free, alignment timelines what are they?

It should be immediate after the system recognizes the affiliate. Can you see on the account that is under our affiliate? I think somewhere it will say.

Hi aressanch,
“Affiliated with Ares Sanchez (AID: 84970)”

I am correctly affiliated but I see that the Gainium profile is still free, is that not being changed?

Can you post it as a bug report? Maksym will take a look.