API endpoints for markets and pairs information

To be able to update the list of pairs, it would be necessary to know what pairs exist per exchange and direction and to get all information for those pairs as well.

I think if someone knows enough coding to use api for gainium then we can assume they can get pairs info from exchange rest api

Also as Ares said no one uses the api endpoints so don’t expect much regarding endpoints

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Good point. The idea to use the exchange endpoints could surely help. In the end we could even use them directly. :sweat_smile:

I use the pairs updates API frequently. I hope my bots are smart enough so that I don’t need to orchestrate global panic turn off :laughing: but it’s kinda on my mind too so I am grateful for that option. I guess I am in minority with this here, but being able to fetch some bot info via API alowing you to build custom dashboards would be fun. I like Gainium Market Screener and for a moment thought it would be great to have this via API too, but then I guess for some serious work in this area I’d be looking at 🦎Introduction