Backtest vs. Actual - Same time period 7/14/2024 -> 8/09/2024

Hi Folks, first of all love the platform! Best performing platform I have ever used to make me a better trader!

I have been on gainium for about a month now… I setup BOT(s) based on backtesting and seeing projected results…

My question lies in the terms of my actual performance for the bots appears to be 1.93% ( actual which is amazing ) vs. a insanely high backtest net result of 15.44% for the time period 7/14/2024 → 8/09/2024.

I think this is something due to the indicators I use are on the hourly timeframe. I backtest the bot on the hourly timeframe . I get what I think faulty results on timeframes that don’t match my indicator time frames example being the Stop Loss on the hourly timeframe doesn’t trigger on the backtests at different time frames.

Does anyone have any thoughts on why the disconnect? I am considering going to a high dollar value to trade with but I want to gain confidence that the backtest is reliable ( I know it is history and it may not repeat… ).

Thanks for your thoughts!

Hello and welcome!

Can share your bot to be able to give you a more specific feedback about the problem?

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Share the bot links and backtest link too.
Recommend backtests in 1min timeframe only
As it cuts down the error of intrabar price movements

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Hi @Perez & @Iamtheonewhoknocks , thanks for checking things out for me!

Lol it isn’t the most sophisticated bot… :rofl:

Bot Link: Gainium app

Actual data from BOT: 2.27% Total Profit, 0.1% Daily,

Backtest on 1 hour: Gainium app 11.64% Total Profit 0.45% Daily Profit, Stop losses seemed to work as set in the BOT.

Backtest on 1 minute: Gainium app 8.13% Total Profit, 0.32% daily profit, stop losses to work … this is a first that I see stop losses functioning on a different candle timeframe then the 1 hour…

Question still lies to why the back test is approx. 4x off from the actual…??


Hi @Patio_Furniture,

I don’t have a reason that explains this with 100% certainty but I may have an explanation. In fact if I look closely to your bot, the DCA settings are quite complex with very specific numbers (7 DCA orders, 0.156% DCA order amount, 1,2% orders step, 1,22% step sclar, 1,652 volume scale). The problem with this is that sometimes the orders are not 100% filled and there can be some variations between what you wanted and what is really filled.

Another thing is that when you backtest this, even in the 1 minute candles you may miss the real movement of the price as a lot of things can happen in a 1 minute candle, so it is possible to have big deviations between your backtest and the real results, and this problem can be even bigger with DCA that increase significantly the volume when activated.

Also be cautious with big movements like the one we had recently as even if the price reach the order, the order may not activate as everything is going super fast, so in that situations the backtester may think that your order has been filled (or even several DCA orders with increased volume on each one) and finally on the reality the orders have never been filled.

If you have other possible explanations, I curious to read them :grin:

@Perez, I think I follow what you are saying!

Appreciate the review and feedback.

I will keep this BOT going for now and keep my eyes out for a BOT that may be simpler with simliar results… LOL

Thanks again!

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