Bankroll sometimes shows OVER incorrectly

Bug info:

  • Bot URL → Gainium app
  • [Optional] Steps to reproduce → this morning my bankroll was all good with a few $ FREE. A DCA deal closed this morning at TP and now it’s showing I’m $216 over. Same thing happened yesterday but fixed itself eventually.
  • Expected result → bankroll should remain consistent to valuation of wallet according to bots active.

Another one of my 3 active deals just closed and opened a new one, and now my bankroll is correct again
Is this an intermittently bug?

Another update. This time I edited the bot to change the base order from $11 back to $10. And now it’s showing I’ve got a lot larger bankroll than I have. I estimate my actual bankroll is $875

Where is that bankroll, main dashboard? Coz I didn’t saw it in a while.

Currently is fine, there were changes to settings so that could be it. We cannot reproduce.

Hi @aressanch I’m seeing this again. This time I changed the pairs on my bot, and added an extra deal.

Each deal should be around $125, so the whole accounts should be somewhere around $1000

Seemed to take about 5 minutes to finally show the correct bankroll:

As long as i know it takes a few minutes, that’s fine, but might be worth fixing or showing “still calculating bankroll…”

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Yup, I confirm that my bankroll is back too :+1:

Sadly mine has been messed up all day. 17 x $125 deals is $2125 bankroll

@maksym.shamko Can this be reopened? It’s still showing over vs real bankroll of my 17 x $125 max cost deals

Having set all my bots to stop, my 17 open deals has dropped to 15. But somehow my bankroll is even higher. Definitely still a bug

Can we reopen @Amia @aressanch ?

I will check tomorrow.

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I checked your deals. Limit is those order that currently in limit, and it corresponds to exchange data.
Planned is value of deals that is not opened yet. You have 2 bots with 100 % usage and one with all 3 free deals slots used.
So planned based on 2 bots: one have 1 deals out of 3, and cost of unopened deals is around 240-250$, the other have 2 deals out of 6, and the cost of unopened deals is around 480-500$. In total 720-750$. Current bankroll also corresponds

Over =total USDT - (planned + in limit) = 1450 - (745+816)=118.
I have simplified the calcualtion and rounding, but the numbers are close to what you get in the bankroll.
Note that when you changed max deals in the bot to number less than current deals, max cost will be based not on theoretical value, but on current deals cost. Example, you have 3 deals in the bot, than changed the number to 1, max cost still be based on 3 deals, until they are not closed.

I’ll be honest, your calculations don’t make sense to me. I have 14 x $125 deals open, and the bots are set to stop anyway. They are also set to 1 max deal. So there is no demand for the bots to open more deals than my $2125 bankroll.

3 commas works on deals, so that was what I expected. I just cannot work out how to get to the numbers you see.

If the calculations are as you say, and there’s no wish to change, then the bankroll view just won’t work for me. I’ll work it out myself. Cheers