Hi All, I am driving myself crazy trying to come up with somewhat of a " simple " calculation in Excel / Google Sheets.
I am using a trading bot with a DCA mode turned on and DCA type scaled.
I want to put in the calculator the # of DCA Orders, Orders Step %, Step Scale %, Volume Scale and Max Open Deals.
I want the output of the calculation to tell me what my Total % Base Order and Total % DCA Order Amount should be.
Does anyone have any calculators for such a thing? If not could anyone make one up?
I could add my old Google Sheet file as soon as I am at my computer. Till then you can use this one, which isn’t of me but quite okay though.
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I think this may help, is a calculator I made some years ago DCA Calculator - Google Таблици
Look for the Max usage column. It will tell you the total the bot will use given the parameters. Maybe you can adjust for your specific case.
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Thank you @aressanch & @d_yo_r !
I will tinker with the sheets and see if I can get one of them to to generate the answer I am looing for.
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This is what my DCA calculator looks like. It’s just not ready to be shared yet.
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