Can not close position


I have a strange bot Error:

how can I close this position?

It’s missing ETH to be able to close the full position. You can buy what is missing from the terminal, or you can cancel that deal and sell the ETH on the terminal.

I does not make sense for me, why do I need ETH to close this position? But it worked, Thank you.

Because what was available is less than what the bot bought. We will try to add a workaround to close with whatever funds are available and add it to experimental features. There are many reasons why available might be less than bought.

okay interessting, I just thoght when I’m buying ETH on a central exchange I also don’t need to have ETH just USDT or another stable.

As long no other deal sold parts of the deal’s ETH, shouldn’t the exchange tell you how many ETH were bought when opening the deal?