I have a bot on paper, that I want to duplicate and adjust it for further testing.
But if I choose to duplicate it, the option to add the new bot is grayed out.
If I scroll through the bot settings I see no errors or red text.
I think the issue is caused by the DCA technical indicators, but I’m not sure.
Thank you for reporting this issue and providing the details, Remy. We’ve received your report and will investigate the problem with duplicating the bot. It may indeed be related to the DCA technical indicators or another aspect of the duplication. We’ll look into it and provide an update as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!
When I export my paperbot, and then create a new bot, the ‘add new bot’ button is orange. But if I then import the data, the ‘add new bot’ button turns gray.
I added the export as a file, it has UUID data, but I don’t think it is from my bot/account (right @aressanch?). bot export.txt (74.1 KB)
I suspect that is the problem, because if I remove 6 DCAs (each with their own indicator) then I can save the bot.
Does that limit of 20 remain? That’s not a problem, but then I have to change my idea/plan.
It’s for all users, we need a limitation to allow for multipair 500 symbols. We will introduce another subscription system soon that charges per usage so there won’t be any limits.
Thank you for reporting this! We investigated the issue and found that the “Add Bot” button remains grayed out due to a problem with the DCA technical indicators when duplicating a bot. It seems that certain settings may not be copied properly during the duplication process, even if no immediate errors are visible in the bot settings.
As a temporary workaround, you can manually review and reapply the settings for the DCA technical indicators after duplicating the bot. Make sure all required inputs are properly set before attempting to add the new bot.
Our team is working on a fix to improve this process, so you won’t encounter this issue in the future. We appreciate your patience while we sort this out!