Change grid range

Pls explain how i can change range in work grid?

I change low price and gainium notify me - “buy additional coin”

i don’t change count order and don’t change size of order.
Why i need buy addittional coin?

Did you lower the top price as well? If you just lowered the low price and kept the top price the same, and the same grid spacing then there will be more orders.

i try change and top price too.
But it will be nice if interval beteween order will bigger

It depends as well on whether your grid orders or percentage stays the same. Same number of orders would mean higher grid spacing, but same percentage would mean more grid orders. Hard to tell without seeing before/after settings comparison


change to

and after that change i need buy 1143 Mv

You have to buy more MV because the lower the price is the more MV you have to sell to reach the configured order size.

If you want to sell MV worth $10 at price $10 you have to sell 1 MV.
If you want to sell MV worth $10 at price $1 you have to sell 10 MV.

That is, you may not have enough MV to sell it at a lower price. Therefore you have to buy it.

for this i change budget for bot and it’s doesn’t help too.
Now i have 108 USDT and when change interval - bot can reduce initial balance only to 103.8 USDT

Are you already using minimum order sizes? Then you can’t go lower. You could only try to add more space between the grid lines. If there would be a table like Example orders for a deals you could check how much base every sell line requires. Without that you can only calculate it manually.

By the way, I wouldn’t touch a grid configuration after it was started. That only spoils the stats. Why don’t you stop the bot and create a new bot instead.

i try use edit function.
ok - i recreate bot