Combo bot: Step Scale / Volume is gone! Why?!


Hello. Why Step scale and volume scale is no longer available in combo bots. I had my configuration for this bot based on these parameters, Please! return this asap

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, Danilo. We have received your report regarding the absence of the Step Scale and Volume Scale in your combo bots configuration. Our team will investigate this matter and provide you with an update shortly. If possible, please include the URL of the specific bot you are referring to, as that would help us in resolving the issue faster. Thank you for your patience!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Danilo! The Step Scale and Volume Scale features in the Combo bot have been restored. You should now be able to access them again in your bot configuration. If you have any further issues or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

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Great! thanks to the team :slight_smile: