Connection to api needed

Opendocs have this:
crypto.createHmac(‘sha256’, secret).update(body + method + endpoint + time).digest(‘base64’)

Can someone give one example of the final string before being encrypted for api usage?
I need to know this variables final state: body, method, endpoint, time.
Any language for example i would apreciate.

You could enable the Developer tools of your browser and use Try it out > Execute for the endpoint that you want to access. In the Developer tools you will see the request and response in the tab Network and can check e.g. endpoint (request URL), header and payload.

If you search for requestInterceptor you will find how it is coded in JavaScript for the Swagger homepage. I guess you could even use Developer tools’ tabulator Sources > > api/docs > swagger-ui-init.js to set a break point and check the messages directly.

Yes, the second way is even easier!