Diferent Values for Max Cost and Total Cost

When I am creating a new bot, the Max Cost Per Deal shows $214 ( The bot is limited to only one deal)

but on the trading bots page it is showing me a Max Cost of $1260

Is this a bug? or am I not understanding how these values are calculated?

Thank you :slight_smile:


The cost that is shown within the bot settings accounts for leverage. The Value is what it would be if the leverage was 0.

So I’m not sure that’s it.

In bot table max cost per bot, in settings - per deal. How much max deals bot allowed to open?

In the first message he writes

Oh, missed it.

Also missed that this is % from balance bot.

In settings tab you can cost based on current balance, in bot max funds based on open deal max cost. I assume that when deal was opened balance was much higher than now.

Does that happen if the bot uses either % USDT free or % USDT total as Currency Reference? At least, it would explain it.

I still don’t think I am understanding how these values are calculated.

For example, within the bot settings I have this:

Cost Total: 50% (784 USDT) /deal

Value total: 5488 USDT/deal

There are 9 deals allowed at once. SO this would be 9* 784 = $7056 in COST.

When I am looking at my Bot Dashboard > Trading Bots, I see a total max cost of $5514

Why are these two different?
And which is accurate?

The bot is using % of Total.

I’m guessing this is what really throws these numbers off? Because the %total is going to be changing by the second as price on the deals fluctuates, is that right?

I am mostly concerned with making sure the bot has the funds necessary to carry out all trades without having a lack of funds.

@aressanch Any thoughts on this?

50% of 1600 = 800
50% of  800 = 400
50% of  400 = 200
50% of  200 = 100
50% of  100 =  50

Do you you want to share your settings?

Maksym already said previously.

Yes it will change. If you have total USDT 1000 and open a trade for 200, then the next deal is going to be the % of 800, not 1000. We cannot save the balance at the start of the bot and use the same one throughout because it will create many problems with out of funds, and it won’t be able to compound.

Here is a link to the bot - Gainium app

Ok, so now the max cost is more than the funds in the bot…$7480

If I use Percent of Total - then it is possible to go over 100%, is that correct?

So would using Percent Free be a much better option and this would never go over 100%? is that right?

In what circumstances would you ever want to use % Total if it’s possible to use more than the total?

Thank you, sorry I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this.
