Good evening,
it is also possible to display closed deals on this screen by appropriately filtering the status field with closed, this feature is convenient because I can see all the deals that have just been closed without having to enter each bot.
You can. The status is closed. Go to Gainium app. Select Deals and you will also see the closed deals. Filter for status = closed. If you want to filter for deals without profit, add a filter profit < 0. Don’t use profit <= 0 as this will also show profits for some unknown reason.
In fact I had a filter in the bot, I removed all the filters and put the deal status back to closed and now you can see the closed deals, the strange thing is that you can also see an open deal, however I was interested in seeing all the closed ones of the day previous. Thank you very much
Unfortunately, the equals filter doesn’t show possible values. Try contains close. Or else group column Status to see all closed deals even though that doesn’t solve the filtering issue.