Exchanges balance error

Bug info:
In my account there is still a remaining balance but in Gainium it displays 0. previously it was showing a lot of “Bot error Error: estimated will trigger liq”. I didn’t pay attention because I had already calculated the balance and still just used “Auto Margin Replenishment”.

Thank you for reporting this issue and providing detailed information, including screenshots and the bot URL. We’ve received your bug report regarding the incorrect balance display and the error messages. Our team is currently investigating the issue, and we will update you shortly with further insights or a resolution. Thank you for your patience!

Thank you for the details! After reviewing the issue, it seems that the exchange (TradView1) is reporting your account balance as less than $0.01. This is likely why Gainium is displaying a balance of 0.

Additionally, the error message “Bot error Error: estimated will trigger liq” usually means there isn’t enough margin available in your account. In such cases, the bot cannot maintain or execute trades due to insufficient funds.

It might be a good idea to double-check your account’s actual balance directly on the exchange and ensure there are sufficient funds to support the bot’s operations. Let us know if you have further questions!

no, I moved to another subaccount after I report, because I can’t trade, and i have calculated my total trading and exceeded it by 75% of the total used.