Export/download backtest data broken?

I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but no matter how I try and export/download the backtest data to CSV, I just get the currently visible grid (backtest data summary, not the actual raw data).

This worked a couple days ago when I did a big backtest and I was able to group and anaylse the data in Excel. Now all my downloads are 1 row, or a few rows that show the backtest grid, e.g.:

Exporting this to CSV gives me:

What do you mean raw date? The list of trades? For that you need to download CSV in the trade list tab.

Yes the raw data. I managed to download it before but couldn’t from the screenshot shown. That export is misleading (IMO). I’ll try find the backtest trades tab

Edit: I’ve looked all over and can’t see how to download the trade list tab. Where is that?

Appreciate this is closed as not a bug, but I still can’t find where the trade list tab is to be able to download the backtest data.

I go to Trading Bots → Backtests and I can’t see it.

I go to Backtest Data, and I can’t see it.

You need to click on “Load details”, then you will find the export option in the deal list.

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Fantastic!! Thanks Ares.

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