Get combo bot deals

Hello, is there any way to get the combo bot closed deals from the api??

Yes, but it isn’t official and therefore maybe not yet available for us users.

You have to send a POST request to

with a content like

  "query": "query($input: getBotDealsInput!) { \n                    getBotDeals(input: $input) {\n                        status\n                        reason\n                        data {\n                           deals {\n                             \nnote\n                _id\n                botId\n                userId\n                status\n                initialBalances {\n                    base\n                    quote\n                }\n                currentBalances {\n                    base\n                    quote\n                }\n                initialPrice\n                lastPrice\n                profit {\n                    total\n                    totalUsd\n                    pureBase\n                    pureQuote\n                }\n                feePaid {\n                  base\n                  quote\n                }\n                avgPrice\n                displayAvg\n                commission\n                createTime\n                updateTime\n                closeTime\n                levels {\n                    all\n                    complete\n                }\n                usage {\n                    current {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                    max {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                }\n                settings {\n                    dcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\n                    closeByTimer\n                    closeByTimerValue\n                    closeByTimerUnits\n                    dcaCustom {\n                      uuid\n                      step\n                      size\n                    }\n                    ordersCount\n                    tpPerc\n                    slPerc\n                    profitCurrency\n                    avgPrice\n                    baseOrderSize\n                    baseOrderPrice\n                    useLimitPrice\n                    startOrderType\n                    orderSize\n                    useTp\n                    useSl\n                    useDca\n                    useSmartOrders\n                    activeOrdersCount\n                    trailingSl\n                    moveSL\n                    moveSLTrigger\n                    moveSLValue\n                    moveSLForAll\n                    dealCloseCondition\n                    trailingTp\n                    trailingTpPerc\n                    useMinTP\n                    minTp\n                    closeDealType\n                    orderSizeType\n                    useMultiSl\n                    multiSl {\n                      target\n                      amount\n                      uuid\n                    }\n                    useMultiTp\n                    multiTp {\n                      target\n                      amount\n                      uuid\n                    }\n                    volumeScale\n                    stepScale\n                    avgPrice\n                    changed\n                    orderSizePercQty\n                    step\n                    dealCloseConditionSL\n                    futures\n                    coinm\n                    marginType\n                    leverage\n                    useFixedTPPrices\n    useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n    feeOrder\n                }\n                assets {\n                    used {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                    required {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                }\n                dcaBot {\n                    settings {\n                        \ndcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\ncloseByTimer\n                    closeByTimerValue\n                    closeByTimerUnits\n                     maxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n  useMaxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n  remainderFullAmount\n    useStaticPriceFilter\n    useCooldown\n    useVolumeFilterAll\n    useDynamicPriceFilter\n    dynamicPriceFilterDeviation\n    dynamicPriceFilterPriceType\ndynamicPriceFilterDirection\nuseRiskReward\n  riskSlType\n  riskSlAmountPerc\n  riskSlAmountValue\n  riskUseTpRatio\n  riskTpRatio\n  riskMinPositionSize\nscaleDcaType\n  startDealLogic\n  stopDealLogic\n  stopDealSlLogic\n  stopBotLogic\nuseRiskReduction\n  riskReductionValue\n  useReinvest\n  reinvestValue\n  riskMaxPositionSize\ndynamicArLockValue\nriskMaxSl\n  riskMinSl\ndcaCustom {\n  uuid\n  step\n  size\n}\npair\n                name\n                strategy\n                profitCurrency\n                baseOrderSize\n                baseOrderPrice\n                useLimitPrice\n                startOrderType\n                startCondition\n                tpPerc\n                orderFixedIn\n                orderSize\n                step\n                ordersCount\n                activeOrdersCount\n                volumeScale\n                stepScale\n                useTp\n                useSmartOrders\n                minOpenDeal\n                maxOpenDeal\n                useDca\n                hodlAt\n                hodlHourly\n                hodlDay\n                hodlNextBuy\n                maxNumberOfOpenDeals\n                useSl\n                slPerc\n                orderSizeType\n                indicators {\n                    type\n                    uuid\n                    indicatorLength\n                    indicatorValue\n                    indicatorCondition\n                    indicatorInterval\n                    signal\n                    checkLevel\n                    condition\n                    maType\n                    maCrossingValue\n                    maCrossingInterval\n                    maCrossingLength\n                    maUUID\n                    bbCrossingValue\n                    stochSmoothK\n                    stochSmoothD\n                    stochUpper\n                    stochLower\n                    stochRSI\n                    srCrossingValue\n                    leftBars\n                    rightBars\n                    basePeriods\n                    pumpPeriods\n                    pump\n                    baseCrack\n                    rsiValue\n                    rsiValue2\n                    stochRange\n                    valueInsteadof\n                    indicatorAction\n                    section\n                    psarInc\n                    psarMax\n                    psarStart\n                    minPercFromLast\n                    keepConditionBars\n                    orderSize\n                    voLong\n                    voShort\n                    uoFast\n                    uoMiddle\n                    uoSlow\n                    momSource\n                    bbwpLookback\n                    ecdTrigger\n                    xOscillator1\n                    xOscillator2\n                    xOscillator2length\n                    xOscillator2Interval\n                    xoUUID\n                    percentile\n                    percentileLookback\n                    percentilePercentage\n                    mar1type\n                    mar1length\n                    mar2type\n                    mar2length\n                    bbwMa\n                    bbwMaLength\n                    bbwMult\n                    macdFast\n                    macdSlow\n                    macdMaSource\n                    macdMaSignal\n                     divOscillators\n  divType\n  divMinCount\n  trendFilter\n  trendFilterLookback\n  trendFilterType\n  trendFilterValue\n  factor\n  atrLength\n  pcUp\n  pcDown\n  pcCondition\n  pcValue\n  ppHighLeft\n  ppHighRight\n  ppLowLeft\n  ppLowRight\n  ppMult\n  ppValue\n  ppType\nriskAtrMult\ndynamicArFactor\nathLookback\nkcMa\nkcRange\nkcRangeLength\n  stCondition\n                }\n                limitTimeout \n                useLimitTimeout\n                notUseLimitReposition\n                cooldownAfterDealStart\n                cooldownAfterDealStartUnits\n                cooldownAfterDealStartInterval\n                cooldownAfterDealStop\n                cooldownAfterDealStopUnits\n                cooldownAfterDealStopInterval\n                cooldownAfterDealStartOption\n                cooldownAfterDealStopOption\n                moveSL\n                moveSLTrigger\n                moveSLValue\n                moveSLForAll\n                trailingSl\n                trailingTp\n                trailingTpPerc\n                useCloseAfterX\n                closeAfterX\n                useMulti\n                maxDealsPerPair\n                ignoreStartDeals\n                comboTpBase\ncomboSmartGridsCount\n    comboUseSmartGrids\n                useBotController\n                useCloseAfterXopen\n                closeAfterXopen\n                botStart\n                stopType\n                dealCloseCondition\n                dealCloseConditionSL\n                useMinTP\n                minTp\n                closeDealType\n                terminalDealType\n                useMultiTp\n                multiTp {\n                  target\n                  amount\n                  uuid\n                }\n                useMultiSl\n                pairPrioritization\n                multiSl {\n                  target\n                  amount\n                  uuid\n                }\n                marginType\n                leverage\n                futures\n                coinm\n                useVolumeFilter\n                volumeTop\n                volumeValue\n                useFixedTPPrices\n    useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n    baseStep\n    baseGridLevels\n    useActiveMinigrids\n    comboActiveMinigrids\n    comboSlLimit\n    comboTpLimit\n    useRelativeVolumeFilter\n    relativeVolumeTop\n    relativeVolumeValue\n    feeOrder\n\n                    }\n                    symbol {\n                        symbol\n                        baseAsset\n                        quoteAsset\n                    }\n                }\n                gridBreakpoints{\n                    price\n                    displacedPrice\n                }\n                strategy\n                exchange\n                exchangeUUID\n                symbol {\n                  baseAsset\n                  quoteAsset\n                  symbol\n                }\n                trailingLevel\n                trailingMode\n                bestPrice\n                stats {\n                  drawdownPercent\n                  runUpPercent\n                  timeInProfit\n                  timeInLoss\n                  trackTime\n                  timeCountStart\n                  currentCount\n                }\n                tpSlTargetFilled\n                dynamicAr {\n                  value\n                  id\n                }\n                funds {\n                  price\n                  qty\n                }\n                pendingAddFunds {\n                  qty\n                  useLimitPrice\n                  limitPrice\n                  asset\n                  id\n                }\n                blockOrders {\n                  price\n                  qty\n                  side\n                }\n                moveSlActivated\n                parent\n                cost\n                size\n                 sizes {\n                    base\n                    dca\n                    origBase\n                    origDca\n                  }\n            \n                           }\n                           page\n                           total\n                           stats {\n                            avgUsage\n                            avgProfit\n                            avgTradingTime\n                            avgTimeInLoss\n                            avgTimeInProfit\n                            winRate\n                          }\n                        }\n                    }\n                }",
  "variables": {
    "input": {
      "id": "<your bot id>",
      "page": 0,
      "status": "closed"

The response will be something like that

  "data": {
    "getBotDeals": {
      "status": "string",
      "reason": null,
      "data": {
        "deals": [
            "note": null,
            "_id": "string",
            "botId": "string",
            "userId": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "initialBalances": {
              "base": 0,
              "quote": 0
            "currentBalances": {
              "base": 0,
              "quote": 0
            "initialPrice": 0,
            "lastPrice": 0,
            "profit": {
              "total": 0,
              "totalUsd": 0,
              "pureBase": 0,
              "pureQuote": 0
            "feePaid": {
              "base": 0,
              "quote": 0
            "avgPrice": 0,
            "displayAvg": 0,
            "commission": 0,
            "createTime": 0,
            "updateTime": 0,
            "closeTime": 0,
            "levels": {
              "all": 0,
              "complete": 0
            "usage": {
              "current": {
                "base": 0,
                "quote": 0
              "max": {
                "base": 0,
                "quote": 0
            "settings": {
              "dcaCondition": "string",
              "baseSlOn": null,
              "closeByTimer": null,
              "closeByTimerValue": null,
              "closeByTimerUnits": null,
              "dcaCustom": [],
              "ordersCount": 0,
              "tpPerc": "string",
              "slPerc": "string",
              "profitCurrency": "string",
              "avgPrice": 0,
              "baseOrderSize": "string",
              "baseOrderPrice": null,
              "useLimitPrice": null,
              "startOrderType": "string",
              "orderSize": "string",
              "useTp": true,
              "useSl": true,
              "useDca": true,
              "useSmartOrders": true,
              "activeOrdersCount": 0,
              "trailingSl": true,
              "moveSL": true,
              "moveSLTrigger": "string",
              "moveSLValue": "string",
              "moveSLForAll": null,
              "dealCloseCondition": "string",
              "trailingTp": true,
              "trailingTpPerc": "string",
              "useMinTP": true,
              "minTp": "string",
              "closeDealType": null,
              "orderSizeType": "string",
              "useMultiSl": true,
              "multiSl": [],
              "useMultiTp": true,
              "multiTp": [],
              "volumeScale": "string",
              "stepScale": "string",
              "changed": true,
              "orderSizePercQty": 0,
              "step": "string",
              "dealCloseConditionSL": "string",
              "futures": true,
              "coinm": true,
              "marginType": "string",
              "leverage": 0,
              "useFixedTPPrices": null,
              "useFixedSLPrices": null,
              "fixedTpPrice": null,
              "fixedSlPrice": null,
              "feeOrder": null
            "assets": {
              "used": {
                "base": 0,
                "quote": 0
              "required": {
                "base": 0,
                "quote": 0
            "dcaBot": null,
            "gridBreakpoints": [],
            "strategy": "string",
            "exchange": "string",
            "exchangeUUID": "string",
            "symbol": {
              "baseAsset": "string",
              "quoteAsset": "string",
              "symbol": "string"
            "trailingLevel": null,
            "trailingMode": null,
            "bestPrice": null,
            "stats": {
              "drawdownPercent": 0,
              "runUpPercent": 0,
              "timeInProfit": 0,
              "timeInLoss": 0,
              "trackTime": 0,
              "timeCountStart": "string",
              "currentCount": null
            "tpSlTargetFilled": [],
            "dynamicAr": [],
            "funds": [],
            "pendingAddFunds": [],
            "blockOrders": [],
            "moveSlActivated": null,
            "parent": true,
            "cost": 0,
            "size": 0,
            "sizes": {}
        "page": 0,
        "total": 0,
        "stats": {
          "avgUsage": 0,
          "avgProfit": 0,
          "avgTradingTime": 0,
          "avgTimeInLoss": 0,
          "avgTimeInProfit": 0,
          "winRate": 0
    "getDealOrders": {
      "status": "string",
      "reason": null,
      "data": [
          "clientOrderId": "string",
          "origQty": "string",
          "executedQty": "string",
          "price": "string",
          "side": "string",
          "status": "string",
          "time": null,
          "transactTime": 0,
          "type": "string",
          "updateTime": 0,
          "botId": "string",
          "userId": "string",
          "typeOrder": "string",
          "baseAsset": "string",
          "quoteAsset": "string",
          "dealId": "string",
          "tpSlTarget": null,
          "sl": null

To find out about endpoints you can always use the browser’s developer tools, check the tabulator Network or use an OpenAPI extension to record executed requests and received responses on the fly.

Thanks, i’ve tried what you said but i get the following error: { errors: [ { message: ‘Session is expired, please login again’ } ] }

I don’t understand why, because i’m following the docs from the api:

const currentDate = new Date().getTime();
    const apiUrl = ``;
    const body = JSON.stringify({
      query: `"query($input: getBotDealsInput!) { \n                    getComboBotDeals(input: $input) {\n                        status\n                        reason\n                        data {\n                           deals {\n                             \nnote\nmoveSlActivated\n                _id\n                botId\n                userId\n                status\n                initialBalances {\n                    base\n                    quote\n                }\n                currentBalances {\n                    base\n                    quote\n                }\n                initialPrice\n                lastPrice\n                profit {\n                    total\n                    totalUsd\n                    pureBase\n                    pureQuote\n                    gridProfit\n                    gridProfitUsd\n                }\n                feePaid {\n                  base\n                  quote\n                }\n                avgPrice\n                displayAvg\n                commission\n                createTime\n                updateTime\n                closeTime\n                levels {\n                    all\n                    complete\n                }\n                usage {\n                    current {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                    max {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                }\n                settings {\n                    dcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\n                    closeByTimer\n                    closeByTimerValue\n                    closeByTimerUnits\n                    dcaCustom {\n                      uuid\n                      step\n                      size\n                    }\n                    ordersCount\n                    tpPerc\n                    slPerc\n                    profitCurrency\n                    avgPrice\n                    baseOrderSize\n                    baseOrderPrice\n                    useLimitPrice\n                    startOrderType\n                    orderSize\n                    useTp\n                    useSl\n                    useDca\n                    useSmartOrders\n                    activeOrdersCount\n                    trailingSl\n                    moveSL\n                    moveSLTrigger\n                    moveSLValue\n                    moveSLForAll\n                    dealCloseCondition\n                    trailingTp\n                    trailingTpPerc\n                    useMinTP\n                    minTp\n                    closeDealType\n                    orderSizeType\n                    useMultiSl\n                    multiSl {\n                      target\n                      amount\n                      uuid\n                    }\n                    useMultiTp\n                    multiTp {\n                      target\n                      amount\n                      uuid\n                    }\n                    volumeScale\n                    stepScale\n                    avgPrice\n                    changed\n                    orderSizePercQty\n                    step\n                    dealCloseConditionSL\n                    futures\n                    coinm\n                    marginType\n                    leverage\n                    gridLevel\n                    feeOrder\n                    useFixedTPPrices\n    useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n    updatedComboAdjustments\n    comboTpBase\ncomboSmartGridsCount\n    comboUseSmartGrids\n                }\n                assets {\n                    used {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                    required {\n                        base\n                        quote\n                    }\n                }\n                dcaBot {\n                    settings {\n                        \ndcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\ncloseByTimer\n                    closeByTimerValue\n                    closeByTimerUnits\n                     maxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n  useMaxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n  remainderFullAmount\n    useStaticPriceFilter\n    useCooldown\n    useVolumeFilterAll\n    useDynamicPriceFilter\n    dynamicPriceFilterDeviation\n    dynamicPriceFilterPriceType\ndynamicPriceFilterDirection\nuseRiskReward\n  riskSlType\n  riskSlAmountPerc\n  riskSlAmountValue\n  riskUseTpRatio\n  riskTpRatio\n  riskMinPositionSize\nscaleDcaType\n  startDealLogic\n  stopDealLogic\n  stopDealSlLogic\n  stopBotLogic\nuseRiskReduction\n  riskReductionValue\n  useReinvest\n  reinvestValue\n  riskMaxPositionSize\ndynamicArLockValue\nriskMaxSl\n  riskMinSl\ndcaCustom {\n  uuid\n  step\n  size\n}\npair\n                name\n                strategy\n                profitCurrency\n                baseOrderSize\n                baseOrderPrice\n                useLimitPrice\n                startOrderType\n                startCondition\n                tpPerc\n                orderFixedIn\n                orderSize\n                step\n                ordersCount\n                activeOrdersCount\n                volumeScale\n                stepScale\n                useTp\n                useSmartOrders\n                minOpenDeal\n                maxOpenDeal\n                useDca\n                hodlAt\n                hodlHourly\n                hodlDay\n                hodlNextBuy\n                maxNumberOfOpenDeals\n                useSl\n                slPerc\n                orderSizeType\n                indicators {\n                    type\n                    uuid\n                    indicatorLength\n                    indicatorValue\n                    indicatorCondition\n                    indicatorInterval\n                    signal\n                    checkLevel\n                    condition\n                    maType\n                    maCrossingValue\n                    maCrossingInterval\n                    maCrossingLength\n                    maUUID\n                    bbCrossingValue\n                    stochSmoothK\n                    stochSmoothD\n                    stochUpper\n                    stochLower\n                    stochRSI\n                    srCrossingValue\n                    leftBars\n                    rightBars\n                    basePeriods\n                    pumpPeriods\n                    pump\n                    baseCrack\n                    rsiValue\n                    rsiValue2\n                    stochRange\n                    valueInsteadof\n                    indicatorAction\n                    section\n                    psarInc\n                    psarMax\n                    psarStart\n                    minPercFromLast\n                    keepConditionBars\n                    orderSize\n                    voLong\n                    voShort\n                    uoFast\n                    uoMiddle\n                    uoSlow\n                    momSource\n                    bbwpLookback\n                    ecdTrigger\n                    xOscillator1\n                    xOscillator2\n                    xOscillator2length\n                    xOscillator2Interval\n                    xoUUID\n                    percentile\n                    percentileLookback\n                    percentilePercentage\n                    mar1type\n                    mar1length\n                    mar2type\n                    mar2length\n                    bbwMa\n                    bbwMaLength\n                    bbwMult\n                    macdFast\n                    macdSlow\n                    macdMaSource\n                    macdMaSignal\n                     divOscillators\n  divType\n  divMinCount\n  trendFilter\n  trendFilterLookback\n  trendFilterType\n  trendFilterValue\n  factor\n  atrLength\n  pcUp\n  pcDown\n  pcCondition\n  pcValue\n  ppHighLeft\n  ppHighRight\n  ppLowLeft\n  ppLowRight\n  ppMult\n  ppValue\n  ppType\nriskAtrMult\ndynamicArFactor\nathLookback\nkcMa\nkcRange\nkcRangeLength\n  stCondition\n                }\n                limitTimeout \n                useLimitTimeout\n                notUseLimitReposition\n                cooldownAfterDealStart\n                cooldownAfterDealStartUnits\n                cooldownAfterDealStartInterval\n                cooldownAfterDealStop\n                cooldownAfterDealStopUnits\n                cooldownAfterDealStopInterval\n                cooldownAfterDealStartOption\n                cooldownAfterDealStopOption\n                moveSL\n                moveSLTrigger\n                moveSLValue\n                moveSLForAll\n                trailingSl\n                trailingTp\n                trailingTpPerc\n                useCloseAfterX\n                closeAfterX\n                useMulti\n                maxDealsPerPair\n                ignoreStartDeals\n                comboTpBase\ncomboSmartGridsCount\n    comboUseSmartGrids\n                useBotController\n                useCloseAfterXopen\n                closeAfterXopen\n                botStart\n                stopType\n                dealCloseCondition\n                dealCloseConditionSL\n                useMinTP\n                minTp\n                closeDealType\n                terminalDealType\n                useMultiTp\n                multiTp {\n                  target\n                  amount\n                  uuid\n                }\n                useMultiSl\n                pairPrioritization\n                multiSl {\n                  target\n                  amount\n                  uuid\n                }\n                marginType\n                leverage\n                futures\n                coinm\n                useVolumeFilter\n                volumeTop\n                volumeValue\n                useFixedTPPrices\n    useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n    baseStep\n    baseGridLevels\n    useActiveMinigrids\n    comboActiveMinigrids\n    comboSlLimit\n    comboTpLimit\n    useRelativeVolumeFilter\n    relativeVolumeTop\n    relativeVolumeValue\n    feeOrder\n\n                    }\n                    symbol {\n                        symbol\n                        baseAsset\n                        quoteAsset\n                    }\n                }\n                gridBreakpoints{\n                    price\n                    displacedPrice\n                }\n                strategy\n                exchange\n                exchangeUUID\n                symbol {\n                  baseAsset\n                  quoteAsset\n                  symbol\n                }\n                trailingLevel\n                trailingMode\n                bestPrice\n                stats {\n                  drawdownPercent\n                  runUpPercent\n                  timeInProfit\n                  timeInLoss\n                  trackTime\n                  timeCountStart\n                  currentCount\n                }\n                tpSlTargetFilled\n                dynamicAr {\n                  value\n                  id\n                }\n                cost\n                size\n                feeBalance\n                transactions {\n                  buy\n                  sell\n                }\n                  sizes {\n                    base\n                    dca\n                    origBase\n                    origDca\n                  }\n            \n                           }\n                           page\n                           total\n                           stats {\n                            avgUsage\n                            avgProfit\n                            avgTradingTime\n                            avgTimeInLoss\n                            avgTimeInProfit\n                            winRate\n                          }\n                        }\n                    }\n                }"`,
      variables: {
        input: {
          id: 'XXXXXXXXXX',
          page: 0,
          status: 'closed',
    const querystring = `${body}POST/${currentDate}`;

    let response = undefined;
    try {
      response = await`${apiUrl}/`, body, {
        headers: {
          token: apiKey,
          time: currentDate,
          signature: this.generateSignature(querystring, apiSecret),
      console.log(response.status, response.headers,;
    } catch (err) {
      // console.log(;

Is there something wrong with the documentation authentication for this type of requests??

I guess that is a question for @maksym.shamko. I wonder whether you need the / for the root endpoint in the querystring. I also cannot tell you whether you require certain cookies in place as this originally is a request that is send from the homepage and maybe isn’t meant to be used directly.

I added a botType param to deals endpoint. You can get combo deals there.

What you trying to request to is our internal API. I cant give you any information about how to use it. You should use public API. If something is missing you can always suggest to add it.

1 Like

Thanks that botType parameter did i what i needed.

Is it possible to filter by closed date?? I don’t want to make excess requests just to have the deals closed for the day.

Thanks for the reply. Amazing response time from this comunity.

Currently not supported. You can create a feature request. Maybe you want some more filter except date.

Are those GraphQL queries? Would the request run if we logged into our account and used the current cookies and the session token in the header of the request? :sweat_smile: