Hello, is there any way to get the combo bot closed deals from the api??
Yes, but it isn’t official and therefore maybe not yet available for us users.
You have to send a POST
request to https://api.gainium.io/
with a content like
"query": "query($input: getBotDealsInput!) { \n getBotDeals(input: $input) {\n status\n reason\n data {\n deals {\n \nnote\n _id\n botId\n userId\n status\n initialBalances {\n base\n quote\n }\n currentBalances {\n base\n quote\n }\n initialPrice\n lastPrice\n profit {\n total\n totalUsd\n pureBase\n pureQuote\n }\n feePaid {\n base\n quote\n }\n avgPrice\n displayAvg\n commission\n createTime\n updateTime\n closeTime\n levels {\n all\n complete\n }\n usage {\n current {\n base\n quote\n }\n max {\n base\n quote\n }\n }\n settings {\n dcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\n closeByTimer\n closeByTimerValue\n closeByTimerUnits\n dcaCustom {\n uuid\n step\n size\n }\n ordersCount\n tpPerc\n slPerc\n profitCurrency\n avgPrice\n baseOrderSize\n baseOrderPrice\n useLimitPrice\n startOrderType\n orderSize\n useTp\n useSl\n useDca\n useSmartOrders\n activeOrdersCount\n trailingSl\n moveSL\n moveSLTrigger\n moveSLValue\n moveSLForAll\n dealCloseCondition\n trailingTp\n trailingTpPerc\n useMinTP\n minTp\n closeDealType\n orderSizeType\n useMultiSl\n multiSl {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n useMultiTp\n multiTp {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n volumeScale\n stepScale\n avgPrice\n changed\n orderSizePercQty\n step\n dealCloseConditionSL\n futures\n coinm\n marginType\n leverage\n useFixedTPPrices\n useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n feeOrder\n }\n assets {\n used {\n base\n quote\n }\n required {\n base\n quote\n }\n }\n dcaBot {\n settings {\n \ndcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\ncloseByTimer\n closeByTimerValue\n closeByTimerUnits\n maxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n useMaxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n remainderFullAmount\n useStaticPriceFilter\n useCooldown\n useVolumeFilterAll\n useDynamicPriceFilter\n dynamicPriceFilterDeviation\n dynamicPriceFilterPriceType\ndynamicPriceFilterDirection\nuseRiskReward\n riskSlType\n riskSlAmountPerc\n riskSlAmountValue\n riskUseTpRatio\n riskTpRatio\n riskMinPositionSize\nscaleDcaType\n startDealLogic\n stopDealLogic\n stopDealSlLogic\n stopBotLogic\nuseRiskReduction\n riskReductionValue\n useReinvest\n reinvestValue\n riskMaxPositionSize\ndynamicArLockValue\nriskMaxSl\n riskMinSl\ndcaCustom {\n uuid\n step\n size\n}\npair\n name\n strategy\n profitCurrency\n baseOrderSize\n baseOrderPrice\n useLimitPrice\n startOrderType\n startCondition\n tpPerc\n orderFixedIn\n orderSize\n step\n ordersCount\n activeOrdersCount\n volumeScale\n stepScale\n useTp\n useSmartOrders\n minOpenDeal\n maxOpenDeal\n useDca\n hodlAt\n hodlHourly\n hodlDay\n hodlNextBuy\n maxNumberOfOpenDeals\n useSl\n slPerc\n orderSizeType\n indicators {\n type\n uuid\n indicatorLength\n indicatorValue\n indicatorCondition\n indicatorInterval\n signal\n checkLevel\n condition\n maType\n maCrossingValue\n maCrossingInterval\n maCrossingLength\n maUUID\n bbCrossingValue\n stochSmoothK\n stochSmoothD\n stochUpper\n stochLower\n stochRSI\n srCrossingValue\n leftBars\n rightBars\n basePeriods\n pumpPeriods\n pump\n baseCrack\n rsiValue\n rsiValue2\n stochRange\n valueInsteadof\n indicatorAction\n section\n psarInc\n psarMax\n psarStart\n minPercFromLast\n keepConditionBars\n orderSize\n voLong\n voShort\n uoFast\n uoMiddle\n uoSlow\n momSource\n bbwpLookback\n ecdTrigger\n xOscillator1\n xOscillator2\n xOscillator2length\n xOscillator2Interval\n xoUUID\n percentile\n percentileLookback\n percentilePercentage\n mar1type\n mar1length\n mar2type\n mar2length\n bbwMa\n bbwMaLength\n bbwMult\n macdFast\n macdSlow\n macdMaSource\n macdMaSignal\n divOscillators\n divType\n divMinCount\n trendFilter\n trendFilterLookback\n trendFilterType\n trendFilterValue\n factor\n atrLength\n pcUp\n pcDown\n pcCondition\n pcValue\n ppHighLeft\n ppHighRight\n ppLowLeft\n ppLowRight\n ppMult\n ppValue\n ppType\nriskAtrMult\ndynamicArFactor\nathLookback\nkcMa\nkcRange\nkcRangeLength\n stCondition\n }\n limitTimeout \n useLimitTimeout\n notUseLimitReposition\n cooldownAfterDealStart\n cooldownAfterDealStartUnits\n cooldownAfterDealStartInterval\n cooldownAfterDealStop\n cooldownAfterDealStopUnits\n cooldownAfterDealStopInterval\n cooldownAfterDealStartOption\n cooldownAfterDealStopOption\n moveSL\n moveSLTrigger\n moveSLValue\n moveSLForAll\n trailingSl\n trailingTp\n trailingTpPerc\n useCloseAfterX\n closeAfterX\n useMulti\n maxDealsPerPair\n ignoreStartDeals\n comboTpBase\ncomboSmartGridsCount\n comboUseSmartGrids\n useBotController\n useCloseAfterXopen\n closeAfterXopen\n botStart\n stopType\n dealCloseCondition\n dealCloseConditionSL\n useMinTP\n minTp\n closeDealType\n terminalDealType\n useMultiTp\n multiTp {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n useMultiSl\n pairPrioritization\n multiSl {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n marginType\n leverage\n futures\n coinm\n useVolumeFilter\n volumeTop\n volumeValue\n useFixedTPPrices\n useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n baseStep\n baseGridLevels\n useActiveMinigrids\n comboActiveMinigrids\n comboSlLimit\n comboTpLimit\n useRelativeVolumeFilter\n relativeVolumeTop\n relativeVolumeValue\n feeOrder\n\n }\n symbol {\n symbol\n baseAsset\n quoteAsset\n }\n }\n gridBreakpoints{\n price\n displacedPrice\n }\n strategy\n exchange\n exchangeUUID\n symbol {\n baseAsset\n quoteAsset\n symbol\n }\n trailingLevel\n trailingMode\n bestPrice\n stats {\n drawdownPercent\n runUpPercent\n timeInProfit\n timeInLoss\n trackTime\n timeCountStart\n currentCount\n }\n tpSlTargetFilled\n dynamicAr {\n value\n id\n }\n funds {\n price\n qty\n }\n pendingAddFunds {\n qty\n useLimitPrice\n limitPrice\n asset\n id\n }\n blockOrders {\n price\n qty\n side\n }\n moveSlActivated\n parent\n cost\n size\n sizes {\n base\n dca\n origBase\n origDca\n }\n \n }\n page\n total\n stats {\n avgUsage\n avgProfit\n avgTradingTime\n avgTimeInLoss\n avgTimeInProfit\n winRate\n }\n }\n }\n }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"id": "<your bot id>",
"page": 0,
"status": "closed"
The response will be something like that
"data": {
"getBotDeals": {
"status": "string",
"reason": null,
"data": {
"deals": [
"note": null,
"_id": "string",
"botId": "string",
"userId": "string",
"status": "string",
"initialBalances": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"currentBalances": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"initialPrice": 0,
"lastPrice": 0,
"profit": {
"total": 0,
"totalUsd": 0,
"pureBase": 0,
"pureQuote": 0
"feePaid": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"avgPrice": 0,
"displayAvg": 0,
"commission": 0,
"createTime": 0,
"updateTime": 0,
"closeTime": 0,
"levels": {
"all": 0,
"complete": 0
"usage": {
"current": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"max": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"settings": {
"dcaCondition": "string",
"baseSlOn": null,
"closeByTimer": null,
"closeByTimerValue": null,
"closeByTimerUnits": null,
"dcaCustom": [],
"ordersCount": 0,
"tpPerc": "string",
"slPerc": "string",
"profitCurrency": "string",
"avgPrice": 0,
"baseOrderSize": "string",
"baseOrderPrice": null,
"useLimitPrice": null,
"startOrderType": "string",
"orderSize": "string",
"useTp": true,
"useSl": true,
"useDca": true,
"useSmartOrders": true,
"activeOrdersCount": 0,
"trailingSl": true,
"moveSL": true,
"moveSLTrigger": "string",
"moveSLValue": "string",
"moveSLForAll": null,
"dealCloseCondition": "string",
"trailingTp": true,
"trailingTpPerc": "string",
"useMinTP": true,
"minTp": "string",
"closeDealType": null,
"orderSizeType": "string",
"useMultiSl": true,
"multiSl": [],
"useMultiTp": true,
"multiTp": [],
"volumeScale": "string",
"stepScale": "string",
"changed": true,
"orderSizePercQty": 0,
"step": "string",
"dealCloseConditionSL": "string",
"futures": true,
"coinm": true,
"marginType": "string",
"leverage": 0,
"useFixedTPPrices": null,
"useFixedSLPrices": null,
"fixedTpPrice": null,
"fixedSlPrice": null,
"feeOrder": null
"assets": {
"used": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"required": {
"base": 0,
"quote": 0
"dcaBot": null,
"gridBreakpoints": [],
"strategy": "string",
"exchange": "string",
"exchangeUUID": "string",
"symbol": {
"baseAsset": "string",
"quoteAsset": "string",
"symbol": "string"
"trailingLevel": null,
"trailingMode": null,
"bestPrice": null,
"stats": {
"drawdownPercent": 0,
"runUpPercent": 0,
"timeInProfit": 0,
"timeInLoss": 0,
"trackTime": 0,
"timeCountStart": "string",
"currentCount": null
"tpSlTargetFilled": [],
"dynamicAr": [],
"funds": [],
"pendingAddFunds": [],
"blockOrders": [],
"moveSlActivated": null,
"parent": true,
"cost": 0,
"size": 0,
"sizes": {}
"page": 0,
"total": 0,
"stats": {
"avgUsage": 0,
"avgProfit": 0,
"avgTradingTime": 0,
"avgTimeInLoss": 0,
"avgTimeInProfit": 0,
"winRate": 0
"getDealOrders": {
"status": "string",
"reason": null,
"data": [
"clientOrderId": "string",
"origQty": "string",
"executedQty": "string",
"price": "string",
"side": "string",
"status": "string",
"time": null,
"transactTime": 0,
"type": "string",
"updateTime": 0,
"botId": "string",
"userId": "string",
"typeOrder": "string",
"baseAsset": "string",
"quoteAsset": "string",
"dealId": "string",
"tpSlTarget": null,
"sl": null
To find out about endpoints you can always use the browser’s developer tools, check the tabulator Network or use an OpenAPI extension to record executed requests and received responses on the fly.
Thanks, i’ve tried what you said but i get the following error: { errors: [ { message: ‘Session is expired, please login again’ } ] }
I don’t understand why, because i’m following the docs from the api:
const currentDate = new Date().getTime();
const apiUrl = `https://api.gainium.io`;
const body = JSON.stringify({
query: `"query($input: getBotDealsInput!) { \n getComboBotDeals(input: $input) {\n status\n reason\n data {\n deals {\n \nnote\nmoveSlActivated\n _id\n botId\n userId\n status\n initialBalances {\n base\n quote\n }\n currentBalances {\n base\n quote\n }\n initialPrice\n lastPrice\n profit {\n total\n totalUsd\n pureBase\n pureQuote\n gridProfit\n gridProfitUsd\n }\n feePaid {\n base\n quote\n }\n avgPrice\n displayAvg\n commission\n createTime\n updateTime\n closeTime\n levels {\n all\n complete\n }\n usage {\n current {\n base\n quote\n }\n max {\n base\n quote\n }\n }\n settings {\n dcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\n closeByTimer\n closeByTimerValue\n closeByTimerUnits\n dcaCustom {\n uuid\n step\n size\n }\n ordersCount\n tpPerc\n slPerc\n profitCurrency\n avgPrice\n baseOrderSize\n baseOrderPrice\n useLimitPrice\n startOrderType\n orderSize\n useTp\n useSl\n useDca\n useSmartOrders\n activeOrdersCount\n trailingSl\n moveSL\n moveSLTrigger\n moveSLValue\n moveSLForAll\n dealCloseCondition\n trailingTp\n trailingTpPerc\n useMinTP\n minTp\n closeDealType\n orderSizeType\n useMultiSl\n multiSl {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n useMultiTp\n multiTp {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n volumeScale\n stepScale\n avgPrice\n changed\n orderSizePercQty\n step\n dealCloseConditionSL\n futures\n coinm\n marginType\n leverage\n gridLevel\n feeOrder\n useFixedTPPrices\n useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n updatedComboAdjustments\n comboTpBase\ncomboSmartGridsCount\n comboUseSmartGrids\n }\n assets {\n used {\n base\n quote\n }\n required {\n base\n quote\n }\n }\n dcaBot {\n settings {\n \ndcaCondition\nbaseSlOn\ncloseByTimer\n closeByTimerValue\n closeByTimerUnits\n maxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n useMaxDealsPerHigherTimeframe\n remainderFullAmount\n useStaticPriceFilter\n useCooldown\n useVolumeFilterAll\n useDynamicPriceFilter\n dynamicPriceFilterDeviation\n dynamicPriceFilterPriceType\ndynamicPriceFilterDirection\nuseRiskReward\n riskSlType\n riskSlAmountPerc\n riskSlAmountValue\n riskUseTpRatio\n riskTpRatio\n riskMinPositionSize\nscaleDcaType\n startDealLogic\n stopDealLogic\n stopDealSlLogic\n stopBotLogic\nuseRiskReduction\n riskReductionValue\n useReinvest\n reinvestValue\n riskMaxPositionSize\ndynamicArLockValue\nriskMaxSl\n riskMinSl\ndcaCustom {\n uuid\n step\n size\n}\npair\n name\n strategy\n profitCurrency\n baseOrderSize\n baseOrderPrice\n useLimitPrice\n startOrderType\n startCondition\n tpPerc\n orderFixedIn\n orderSize\n step\n ordersCount\n activeOrdersCount\n volumeScale\n stepScale\n useTp\n useSmartOrders\n minOpenDeal\n maxOpenDeal\n useDca\n hodlAt\n hodlHourly\n hodlDay\n hodlNextBuy\n maxNumberOfOpenDeals\n useSl\n slPerc\n orderSizeType\n indicators {\n type\n uuid\n indicatorLength\n indicatorValue\n indicatorCondition\n indicatorInterval\n signal\n checkLevel\n condition\n maType\n maCrossingValue\n maCrossingInterval\n maCrossingLength\n maUUID\n bbCrossingValue\n stochSmoothK\n stochSmoothD\n stochUpper\n stochLower\n stochRSI\n srCrossingValue\n leftBars\n rightBars\n basePeriods\n pumpPeriods\n pump\n baseCrack\n rsiValue\n rsiValue2\n stochRange\n valueInsteadof\n indicatorAction\n section\n psarInc\n psarMax\n psarStart\n minPercFromLast\n keepConditionBars\n orderSize\n voLong\n voShort\n uoFast\n uoMiddle\n uoSlow\n momSource\n bbwpLookback\n ecdTrigger\n xOscillator1\n xOscillator2\n xOscillator2length\n xOscillator2Interval\n xoUUID\n percentile\n percentileLookback\n percentilePercentage\n mar1type\n mar1length\n mar2type\n mar2length\n bbwMa\n bbwMaLength\n bbwMult\n macdFast\n macdSlow\n macdMaSource\n macdMaSignal\n divOscillators\n divType\n divMinCount\n trendFilter\n trendFilterLookback\n trendFilterType\n trendFilterValue\n factor\n atrLength\n pcUp\n pcDown\n pcCondition\n pcValue\n ppHighLeft\n ppHighRight\n ppLowLeft\n ppLowRight\n ppMult\n ppValue\n ppType\nriskAtrMult\ndynamicArFactor\nathLookback\nkcMa\nkcRange\nkcRangeLength\n stCondition\n }\n limitTimeout \n useLimitTimeout\n notUseLimitReposition\n cooldownAfterDealStart\n cooldownAfterDealStartUnits\n cooldownAfterDealStartInterval\n cooldownAfterDealStop\n cooldownAfterDealStopUnits\n cooldownAfterDealStopInterval\n cooldownAfterDealStartOption\n cooldownAfterDealStopOption\n moveSL\n moveSLTrigger\n moveSLValue\n moveSLForAll\n trailingSl\n trailingTp\n trailingTpPerc\n useCloseAfterX\n closeAfterX\n useMulti\n maxDealsPerPair\n ignoreStartDeals\n comboTpBase\ncomboSmartGridsCount\n comboUseSmartGrids\n useBotController\n useCloseAfterXopen\n closeAfterXopen\n botStart\n stopType\n dealCloseCondition\n dealCloseConditionSL\n useMinTP\n minTp\n closeDealType\n terminalDealType\n useMultiTp\n multiTp {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n useMultiSl\n pairPrioritization\n multiSl {\n target\n amount\n uuid\n }\n marginType\n leverage\n futures\n coinm\n useVolumeFilter\n volumeTop\n volumeValue\n useFixedTPPrices\n useFixedSLPrices\nfixedTpPrice\nfixedSlPrice\n baseStep\n baseGridLevels\n useActiveMinigrids\n comboActiveMinigrids\n comboSlLimit\n comboTpLimit\n useRelativeVolumeFilter\n relativeVolumeTop\n relativeVolumeValue\n feeOrder\n\n }\n symbol {\n symbol\n baseAsset\n quoteAsset\n }\n }\n gridBreakpoints{\n price\n displacedPrice\n }\n strategy\n exchange\n exchangeUUID\n symbol {\n baseAsset\n quoteAsset\n symbol\n }\n trailingLevel\n trailingMode\n bestPrice\n stats {\n drawdownPercent\n runUpPercent\n timeInProfit\n timeInLoss\n trackTime\n timeCountStart\n currentCount\n }\n tpSlTargetFilled\n dynamicAr {\n value\n id\n }\n cost\n size\n feeBalance\n transactions {\n buy\n sell\n }\n sizes {\n base\n dca\n origBase\n origDca\n }\n \n }\n page\n total\n stats {\n avgUsage\n avgProfit\n avgTradingTime\n avgTimeInLoss\n avgTimeInProfit\n winRate\n }\n }\n }\n }"`,
variables: {
input: {
page: 0,
status: 'closed',
const querystring = `${body}POST/${currentDate}`;
let response = undefined;
try {
response = await axios.post(`${apiUrl}/`, body, {
headers: {
token: apiKey,
time: currentDate,
signature: this.generateSignature(querystring, apiSecret),
console.log(response.status, response.headers, response.data);
} catch (err) {
// console.log(err.response.data);
Is there something wrong with the documentation authentication for this type of requests??
I guess that is a question for @maksym.shamko. I wonder whether you need the /
for the root endpoint in the querystring
. I also cannot tell you whether you require certain cookies in place as this originally is a request that is send from the homepage and maybe isn’t meant to be used directly.
I added a botType param to deals endpoint. You can get combo deals there.
What you trying to request to is our internal API. I cant give you any information about how to use it. You should use public API. If something is missing you can always suggest to add it.
Thanks that botType parameter did i what i needed.
Is it possible to filter by closed date?? I don’t want to make excess requests just to have the deals closed for the day.
Thanks for the reply. Amazing response time from this comunity.
Currently not supported. You can create a feature request. Maybe you want some more filter except date.
Are those GraphQL queries? Would the request run if we logged into our account and used the current cookies and the session token in the header of the request?