Hedge mode does not work

Bug info:

I wandted to change to “Hedge Mode” but there is always the Error that it can not change due to active bots but I stoped all the active bots. can someone help please?

Did you change it on the exchange?

what do you mean by exchange? I changed it in Gainium under “exchange” yes

or better I tried to do so


Is that real or paper?

Check under Terminal → Positions for any open position in that exchange. It may be that all positions need to be closed.

Its on Paper account

Worked when I tried

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I just noted that i am unable to open both Long & Short DCA bots simultaneously. Same is possible in Binance exchange (Hedge Mode) but getting the notification (attached). Please if you can clarify.

@aressanch Can someone in the team clarify please?

As we said earlier, hedge mode needs to activate on the exchange page, and I’m not sure if you can have open orders whrn doing that. You can check your open order under Terminal → Positions

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