Hidden bot parameters stay active?

There are still enabling and disabling issues when configuring e.g. the Combo bot’s Base and DCA minigrids. If components get deactivated the previous value isn’t reset which can cause issues if other settings are changed. Then we have to manually find the then hidden settings that cause the configuration error. If parameters shall still have an effect, those shouldn’t be hidden. If they don’t they shouldn’t be taken into account anymore or be reset when disabled/hidden.

Can you provide an example or steps to reproduce?

Go through the (combo) bot settings one by one, that can be enabled and disabled and possibly hide other settings. Check whether either the settings are reset to the default if they are disabled again. Or if not, make sure at least, that those settings don’t have any effect on how the bot is working and whether its settings are valid. Or a third option would be: If there are settings that shall have an effect, don’t hide them.

Please provide an example you have problem with.

Answering to your question

Hidden bot parameters stay active?

No, they don’t. If they do this is a bug and I need steps to reproduce

Settings are not reseted to defaults when you disable parent. For example if you enable static price filter, enter min price, then disbale static price filter, the value of min price wont be changed to default, but its also wont make any effect on the bot flow

I wasn’t at my computer for a while. I will add examples as soon as I am.

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Maybe I was tricked by the Trading View chart, that was still showing a lot of the parameters that I had configured before. Maybe it would help to completely redraw the automatically added elements on changes?

Actually you shouldn’t see anything on chart that is not in the settings box.
Do you have an example?

One example:

I still have to document the others though.