Issue : TV Webhook Multiple Coin - Open deal for symbol (example)

Please assist me, I cannot seem to trigger an order using the multiple coin function using a Tradingview webhook however the webhook does work if i recreate the bot using single coin.

Below is a picture of the events log



I considered perhaps I must use a different title to the coin the I used BTCUSDT then BTC-USDT or even BTCUSDT.p

its my first time trying this and I am probably doing something wrong please assist.
I tested Binance demo and Binance real
I tested a different indicator just for a simple signal in TV to test (MA Cross)

If it comes to changing the pairs of a bot the API documentation suggests to write the pair like "<base>_<quote>". If you instead want to get the data of the DCA bots, the response suggests that it should look like "<base><quote>". Unfortunately there is no API endpoint where we could check how the correct names for the current exchange are. Maybe there is even an error in the documentation - or why does it show to different ways to write pairs?

The browser’s developer tools shows that when changing a pair the bot uses the version without underscore.

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You should be able to use the same version that the bot will show you. The naming changes from exchange to exchange.


I.e., the API documentation is inconsistent and referring to two different exchanges?

Thank you for your response.
I understand you saying that the naming convention may differ across exchanges however my concern is all the settings work for single coin but not for Multiple.

as you can see “open deal for symbol says BTC_USDT” but the coin pair says BTCUSDT. then i tried appling other pairs i tried ETH_USDT and ETHUSDT

I also would like to know if I’m understanding this correctly, I have 1 bot DCA - set to use multi coin - does this mean that 1 bot is receiving Tradingview signals from BTC,ETH,SOL etc. and this 1 bot is managing all the DCA trades of all those individual coins separately based on the market movement for each.

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@maksym.shamko will check why the symbol in the example is like that

Yes correct.

The text of the webhook is a general description and doesn’t necessarily match the bot’s pair names. To avoid this confusion, it might be helpful not to use a hardcoded pair here, but to read the name of the BTC pair, for example, and display that instead.

Symbol in example is correct. For webhook signals we use base_quote format. It is the same across all exchanges


So it only matters via developer API? Could you add an endpoint so we can request the market pairs per exchange?

In public API we also use base_quote format to change pairs.
As for available pairs we use it directly from exchange, so you can request it from desired exchange.

Yes, but then it’s our task to convert it to the underscore version? How do we know where to split a pair’s name?

Yes, its on your side.
What do you mean how to split? On every exchange pair has base asset and quote assets properties. You just need to concatenate base and quote names to be in format base_quote

Why can’t that data be requested via an endpoint of Gainium? We use Gainium to start deals in different exchanges but for the pairs we have to use different requests for every exchange that we use?