Kucoin - Sell order to high! lost money

Bug info:
When checking the Kucoin exchange i noticed a short/sell position open on ETH which was in loss. I’ve checked the logs and Gainium opened a long position at 24-8-2024 13:00:46 and tried to close it on 24-8-2024 18:10:15.
I’ve checked the Exchange and logs in Gainium and it seems that Gainium placed a sell order bigger then the long position.


Total amount of bought = 0.56 ETH (0.18+0.18+0.2)
Sell order =1.2 ETH
Difference: 0.64 ETH
See also screenshot from the Exchange

With the 1.2 ETH sell order the 0.56 ETH was sold AND 0.64 ETH short/sell remained open which shouldn’t be the case.I closed the remaining short at 24-08-2024 19:53:21

What should have been a win is now a 20$ dollar loss :frowning: instead of a $2 win. Please fix this asap, if i didnt noticed this this would caused a liquidation.

  • Bot URL → [Trading Bot | Gainium Gainium app
    Transaction id: 66c9bd5e5000ed19535fa62a

  • [Optional] Steps to reproduce →

  • Expected result →

pls, can you give me an update on this bug report?

Another deal with a similar problem (different bot Trading Bot | Gainium App). Have enabled these functions:
Transaction ID: 66cf43059336b6774ce4c353

This time I lost $42 :frowning:

Total amount SELL: 1157+264=1421
Total amount BUY: 115.7
Difference: 1421-115.7=1305.3

This is correct

This is incorrect:

Loss (manually closed):

Can you please have a look? I cant trust Gainium for this type of bots and need to babysit my deals. Also loosing money instead of gaining.

It’s something related to Kucoin and one of the latest feature, it’s already fixed. I can send you double the amount oft he loss in credit to compensate.

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Hello Ares,

Thank you, much appreciated. Will monitor if it’s fixed.
Send you a pm with a proposal.