Max Gain AI - Trading copilot

It may be strange that I’m posting a feature request, but this is something I’m very interested in and would love the input from the community.

I’ve been experimenting with AI in trading for a while now, I wrote a article of some things I’ve played with. Leveraging AI in crypto trading

While it’s unlikely that AI will replace humans for trading, they are good at certain tasks that could greatly enhance a trader. Some possibilities:

  1. Suggest improvements to a strategy based on backtest result
  2. Create a strategy from scratch based on certain goals and preferences
  3. Analyze portfolio, suggest tokens for diversification
  4. Analyze news related to portfolio, alerting when something important happens for a token that we own
  5. Analyze current market conditions
  6. Select the best performing pairs for a strategy
  7. Launch a portfolio of bots
  8. Take profit automatically

I would like to create a prototype for 1. in the coming days. In the meantime, I’m interested to know if you think it would be useful and any suggestions you have for improvement.


This is an interesting feature, this feature can work like personal assistant for each user. When user provide data to AI prompt for example

1, Risk tolerance
2, desired daily/monthly/yearly roi
3, reinvent / without reinvest
4, etc

Then AI can show or create related strategies which are tailored user’s needs and requirements. It can be an important factor in popularity of

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Very interesting - I also did some tests using the chatGPT plugin and Pionex ai and the well-known lunarcrush, but I think analysing a backtest screenshot is a very clever way of getting new solutions to our challenges - I will have a proper look at your article and give you any suggestions (if I got any)

Very interested

Very interested
also could be cool if a helper can tell you wich coins have a momentary correlation o warned you wich coins have entered in for example DOT is 26 RSI 4H so you can quickly use a bot that can exploit that warnings.

This could be a interesting feature , for example for identifying special events with volatile outcome to alert the traders with high leveraged bots to stop the bots during that market cycle.
The next coming days we have the FED rate cut decision and normally i don’t want to trade during that period.

Maybe we can integrate it as a AI Auto stop function.

It would be good if ChatGPT could analyze our strategies and backtests similar to TON Dating where AI gives matching insights and profile insights - we can get feedback on our strategies and compare two strategies receiving a report on how to improve it

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I’ve been using AI for this purpose. On Tradingview I have a strategy with its custom stats table. I take screenshots of the table automatically with a program as i click thru different settings or coins. Then I feed these screenshots to Google’s Gemini. The model converts the screenshots to text format where i can simply copy onto spreadsheet and compare all combinations.


Max Gain in action, so excited for the possibilities!


Looks promising - Can I beta-test it?
Are you using the latest version of chatGPT?