More realistic backtest results

I have closely followed the real bots vs backtest, what i have noticed

1, on real bot , deal takes between 30 sec to 1 min to open deals where as backtest deal happens with no sec delay

2, on real bot deal closes at 5 to 30 seconds delay than backtest

If we can add those deal start and close delays on backtesting maybe we can achive real looking backtest results.

Hello @salmanhamza, have you observed that delay on the exchange or in Gainium? Also have you observed this delay in real-time or by looking at the closing times of the deals? Because it may happen that the deal is closed exactly when necessary but you are not seeing this exactly in real-time. Iā€™m interested in your answers because sometimes I noticed this delay but I have never to know if the delay is really there or not :grin:

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I observed it on gainium first , when i looked into exchange delay was there as well.