Background: people normally do not hold all the funds that might be needed for a bot to run on exchanges in a form that is immediately available, meaning they are staked with flexible terms to generate extra income or even moved between exchanges in hunt for the best deal.
It would be very handy if a bot could send a notification when it crosses a specific figure of funds locked in deals in order for the investor to become active and make needed funds available on the exchange.
I’m not sure if locked funds per bot would be doable, it would require a lot of logic and I am not sure it would be something with general appeal. A better approach would be to notify you when there is less than X funds available for a coin, that’s something I could see myself using.
Actually as far as I understand, it’s the “current cost” which is needed, it’s available per Bot in the overview. Still too complicated? Maybe something generic, like you pick a bot field from an overview and define a threshhold using ==, >, < etc. to be notified, like this it could be anything: current cost, total profit, or uPNL etc.