QFL (Quickfingersluc) Method + step by step guide + online alerts software + lost videos

:telescope: QFL (Quickfingersluc)
Many from the community asked about this amazing strategy developed By Luc Thomas and his forex trading approach translated to crypto.

Find below the main infos related to QFL

  1. Method
    Trading Steps

  2. A step-by-step guide
    QFL Position Trading Methodology - Step-by-Step (high-level) — Steemit

  3. Software alerts online

  4. Telegram channel with his (now) lost videos
    Telegram: Contact @VideosQFL


A few people in the Italian community asked more details about the QFL strategy, how does it work and most importantly what are the correct settings and minimum requirements to use it — I will add a guide here in the next days :orange_heart:


These are the main timeframes used by the QFL - also 1D can be used but it may be quite slow if you trade only one pairing