Realized annual, Avg daily, total profits?

Bug info:

For the following and other bots the values in the columns Realized annual, Avg daily and Total profits don’t seem to fit together.

  • Bot URL → Gainium app
  • Expected result → How are they calculated?

To convert a daily profit return to an annualized profit return, you can use the formula for compound interest, assuming that each day’s return compounds over the year. Here’s the basic approach:
1. Identify the daily return: Let’s denote the daily return as r , where r is expressed as a decimal. For example, if the daily return is 0.1%, then r = 0.001 .
2. Compound the return over the year: Using this, you can calculate the annualized return by compounding the daily return across trading days.
The formula to annualize the return is:

(1 + r)^365 - 1

Okay, those two number seem to be related.

How do you calculate the Total profit % and the Value % then? Apparently the average daily uses another basis for its calculation. That results in realized annual being bigger than total profits.

I still think that all those percentages have to he based on the max parallel total cost

Has there been an update to these values? Now they seem appropriate.

Yes Maksym changed something.

So it was a bug report? :wink: