Select multiple DCA deals and cancel with 1 click

Scenario: sometimes DCA bots may run into error deals (I am using Binance which has a strange limit to reject orders if too many come at the same time). Currently I can only cancel deals one by one and it is very time consuming and frustrating.

Ideal scenario: When the error “Error: Futures Trading Quantitative Rules violated, only reduceOnly order is allowed, please try again later.” happens, auto cancel the deal.

Alternatively, allow user to select multiple deals and there is a button to cancel them together. Just like how we are able to select multiple deals and merge them.

This can save hours. Thanks!

Thanks for the suggestion, sounds like the batch cancel deals should be essential feature, we will get it implemented soon.

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For bots with identical settings, it could also be helpful to edit those. For example there could be several bots which only differ in the selected pairs, because of the existing limits regarding number of pairs and deals. If we wanted to update, currently we could only do it one by one. Marc Drexlers bot manager shows how it could be: Tools –

Yes it would be nice but not an easy task, a good feature request.

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Implemented. Batch editing of deals coming soon.


Thank you for adding this - very handy

Thank you for implementing this feature. The fast response is amazing.

Brother feel free to leave a review - this will help Gainium grow faster and stronger :orange_heart:

How? Simply login into your Gainium account, select rewards and click one of the links at the bottom in the ‘Spread the word’ section.

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Sure, its done!


Batch editing deals implemented too


was about to ask that :joy:
Thanks this feature alone makes the trading bot one of the most powerful bots out there. Most of the time you have to connect a third-party app to bulk edit deals - well done guys

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