Stats broken not showing closed deals

Bug info: while the bot has closed more than 200 deals the stats didn’t update

  • Bot URL → Gainium app
  • [Optional] Steps to reproduce →
  • Expected result →

Thank you for reporting the issue with the stats not updating for your bot. We acknowledge that the bot has successfully closed more than 200 deals, and we’ll investigate the matter further.

Since you provided the bot URL, we’ll look into it right away. If you have a specific deal ID related to this issue, please share it with us, as it may help us resolve the problem more efficiently. We’ll update you shortly on our findings.

You have changed setting that affects stats calcualtion. In this case stats are reset, and will started from next closed, which were started after settings update.
You should have seen a warning before applying changes.

I thought the warning was about resetting the bots settings, not the stats. thank you for checking