The dates in the binance table is showing not executed time, but time when order was placed. Because you are using simple TP %, order placed ASAP after base order filled.
Please check our app and orders history in the bot, instead of binance table.
If I look at e.g. deal 2, that was opened at 2025-01-03 00:10 and closed at 01:04 with prices 0.3974 and 0.4022.
This matches the lines 2025-01-03 00:10:50 with price 0.3975 and 00:10:55 and 0.4023, doesn’t it?
Oh wait, I see. The close time doesn’t fit. It seems as if in Gainium the close time of a deal is always the start time of the next. Or the other way round, the start time of a deal becomes the close time of the previous deal.
This seems to be not a not-bug but a #not-yet-fixed-bug.
You are looking at binance table. They showing you different times (when order was placed, not executed). Please take a look at bot order table and deal timing.
Thanks. I am sorry. I think I got it now. So while Gainium has placed the take profit order immediately as Binance shows, it was executed at close time that Gainium shows. And because of ASAP the next deal was started at the same time. Stupid me. That’s exactly what you wrote before. Thanks for your time.
Are you saying that the Gainium log is a better source of information for when specific orders have been executed than Binance where the orders were executed? I would say that must be impossible since all information Gainium has access to must come from Binance.
There are perfect matches in the Binance order history showing that a sell order was placed and executed ASAP after a Buy order was placed/executed, on every single order.
Where in the App can I see the order history? And where does that information come from if not from Binance?
There is no way the times on Binance are for when orders are placed since the trading history can show multiple sell executions for one sell order:
How can it be possible to place an ASAP order as a Limit order?
A buy order must per definition be a Market order.
My main question still stands: Why are Sell orders consequently placed as ASAP orders i.e. a very short while (or at the same time) after the Buy orders have been executed when the strategy shows that it is the Buy orders that are supposed to be placed ASAP and none of them are.
PLEASE! Don’t answer just to try to prove me wrong (as usual) instead of reading and trying to understand what I am asking. If I have misunderstood how it is supposed to work I’ll be very happy to be informed of what to correct to get the function I’m asking for.
Please check this table, this table conatins times when orders were filled.
We are not responsible for what you see in the Binance. I just know that in many places in Binance they are showing time when order was placed and not executed.
TP order is a limit order. When base order filled, TP order placed at required price to cover target %.
I explained multiple times why the data from Binance could be not accurate in terms of understading your bot behaviour.
Pleas bring a screenshots from the app if you hace concerns.
This is not one of those places. The below picture (with facts from Binance) shows how 1 order has been divided into 26 trades to fill it. It is not times when 26 different orders were placed. These are times Ganium only can get from Binance since Gainium knows nothing about when the trades were closed if it doesn’t get that information from Binance. It can’t be more right than this.
This is, however, not my main concern. I need to know why the Sell orders have been placed ASAP (sometimes within the same second) when it’s the Buy orders that are supposed to be placed ASAP, but sometimes are placed minutes after the corresponding sell order.
about [quote=“maksym.shamko, post:8, topic:2215”]
TP order is a limit order
[/quote]. Of course it is, but that has nothing to do with this. The orders are started as ASAP orders and closed as limit orders. When the ASAP command is issued there is no active order and the new order should be started As Soon As Possible, not on any kind of limit). It is the next command (closing) that is a limit process.
[quote=“maksym.shamko, post:8, topic:2215”]
Pleas bring a screenshot from the app if you have concerns.
Until you have answered my earlier questions: “Where in the App can I see the order history? And where does that information come from if not from Binance?” I can’t send you a screenshot of any relevant data.