The tradingview chart is extremely slow / nearly unresponsive

Bug info: After a backtest I tried to view the deals on the tradingview chart but the chart was loading extremely slow. I could see the candles loading one by one

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Thank you, Nikolaos, for reporting this issue regarding the TradingView chart’s performance after a backtest. We’ve received your report and will investigate this matter shortly to identify and resolve the problem. We’ll update you as soon as we have more information.

Hello. We do not host TradingView candle data or chart package, it’s hosted by them and depends on your connection. Perhaps slow network on your end. We can’t do anything from our side.

Hello Ares. Yesterday, the website was somewhat slow, in particular on strategies backtesting. It was difficult after clicking a pair from the deal list to track it on the chart. It looked like a gainium CPU server overload but maybe I am wrong since I am not a technician. My internet connection is on fiber optics +300mbps. My computer runs i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz with 16GB RAM, so I don’t think the problem came from it. Today, everything seems to be normal so far. Perhaps it was a matter of traffic on the website on particular time.

It’s most likely trading view, we do not host that data. Past trades from backtests are saved in your machine, which then requests tradingview chart to display a particular trade. Your computer - > tradingview directly.

You are probably right. I experienced that one time in 3commas, too.