It would be helpful to estimate/manage the funds before launching the bot. Thank you.
Is it different from what we have in the dca section of the backtest?
Hi Ares,
Sorry for my bad English, but I would like to know the maximum amount of USDT the bot actually spent during the worst deal. (e.g. 100 pairs / Max theoretical usage: 300 USDT per pair / Actual max usage: 30,000 USDT)
If I’m understanding correctly, the current dca section of the backtest only shows the estimated amount of USDT that the bot will require. (e.g. Required total: ***)
Please let me know if this info already exists in backtest results and I’m looking at the wrong section. Thank you.
I’m not sure if I understand you, but I think what you ask is already there, the actual max usage. That’s the max funds the bot used during the backtest, for all active deals.
Hi Ares,
Thanks for the response. I understand that the actual max usage from backtest results only shows the maximum fund for single pair… I wish we could also see the actual max usage for all pairs (especially for multi-pairs bot).
Or maybe I can just run single pair bots manually. It’s a long way but I got time… Thank you for the discussion anyway.