[Optional] Steps to reproduce → select all pairs → Action → Cancel OR select individual pair → Cancel… Neither worked
You can see in the Events how many times I tried but failed
Note 1 : I ended up cancel the positions manually from the exchange.
Note 2 : this is weird since minutes before working with this bot, I cancelled all deals from this bot effortlessly Gainium app
Thank you for reporting this issue! We’ve received your bug report and are looking into it. The details you’ve provided, including the bot URL, exchange, and steps to reproduce, are very helpful. We’ll investigate the issue further and update you shortly once we have more information.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! The issue seems unusual, and the team is actively investigating the cause.
In the meantime, a potential workaround is to start the bot and then stop it by canceling the deals. To prevent the bot from opening new deals during this process, make sure to change the deal start type temporarily. It’s good to hear you’ve already managed to cancel the positions manually through the exchange, so these bot deals should now be closed.
Please let us know if you encounter further issues!