My bot didnt trigger deal start despite all conditions were met. I had to open it manually. Why so. Please rectify.
Admin kindly resolve or update on the reason please.
I am observing similar issues with Take Profit condition also. My current deal didnt close despite meeting all conditions.
Blue line in the screenshot is where the conditions were met but sell order didn’t trigger.
Hi there, we need the bot URL to investigate.
Same thing is happening to me with the same BB% condition. Ares can you report back to us on here once you figure it out.
Maksym is back to work tomorrow and will check it first thing. It was already on the list for last Friday but we had a bigger fish to fry then.
Start deal not triggered, because at that time on Firday I deployed bot service, and also restarted indicators. Bot has 4h indicator, it just had no data
As for close. There was no trigger. Bot has 5m and 15m indicators to close
5m value. (upper indicator) We know this value at 03:00, when the candle on the screenshot was closed
15m value. We know this value at 03:00, when the candle was closed.
Before 03:00 there was no trigger in 15m, after 03:00 there was no trigger in 5m
Regarding 4h indicator i have following supplementary questions:-
a. how frequently you redeploy bot service?
b. How can we come to know if the bot service is being re-started?
c. Why its needed to re-start the indicators?
d. How can we handle the situation in future?
best regards
How can you cope with those situations? It shouldn’t be that the signal data stream has gaps because it gets restarted? Couldn’t you for instance re-calculate the values for all those indicators. Or could the signal service be separated from the bots so that existing indicators can continue to generate data and signals even if the bots are updated?