Under filter (when running DCA with multiple deals) should refer to the deal with the lowest average


Lets say I want to create a flexible long grid bot but using DCA with multiple deals enabled and under filter. The setting is simple, open a new deal ASAP everytime price drops 5%, single TP 2% for every deal. Once in a while I’d like to merge or add fund to deals that are in deep floating loss.

As per my screenshot, initially I have 7 deals opened in order, as expected deal #1 was the first to open and has the highest avg price, while deal #7 was the last to open and has the lowest avg price.

Then I merged Deal #1,2 3 (deals with highest averages), and they became deal #8.
So now the bot has 5 active deals (#4 5 6 7 8).

Now, what happened next was the bot open deal #9 straightaway because it referred to the avg price of the last deal #8 which is obviously high (more than 5% distance), eventhough the distance from deal #7 (“previous last”) is still very close.
I guess what will happen next is when deal #9 closes at 2% TP, it will open another one straightaway since it still refers to deal #8 as the last deal, and will potentially mess up the whole 5% distance grid structure.

What I propose :
While I think what happened here was the expected behaviour, but what I think makes more sense is for the bot to open another deal based on the distance (%drop) from the deal with lowest avg price (for long with “under” filter).
Therefore even if I have say 50 deals going on, I could for example, choose to merge deal #4 #26 #32, then Add Funds to deal #19 and #28… and the next deal would still open ONLY IF the price drops another 5% from the deal with lowest avg.

Does that make sense or does it overcomplicate things ? :sweat_smile:

Yes, it seems as over and under have to be adjusted to cope with merged deals. In fact, merged deals are somehow like new deals but they shouldn’t be considered as new deals in the context of the dynamic price filter.