shows the Example orders for a deal
for a short and a long bot.
For the short deal I would have expected to see positive Price deviation
s and negative Required price to close deal in %
and the other way round for the long deal.
shows the Example orders for a deal
for a short and a long bot.
For the short deal I would have expected to see positive Price deviation
s and negative Required price to close deal in %
and the other way round for the long deal.
Price deviation = order price - start price.
Required price to close deal = (breakeven - order price) / order price
It is always negative for short and postive for long.
Please, check this.
Price deviation, % =
( Order price
/ start price
- 1
) * 100
Required change to break-even, % =
( Average price
/ Order price
- 1
) * 100
Required change to take profit, % =
( Take profit price
/ Order price
- 1
) * 100
DV: (75 / 100 - 1) * 100 = -25
RC BE: (78 / 75 - 1) * 100 = 4
RC TP: (80.4 / 75 - 1) * 100 = 7.2
DV: (125 / 100 - 1) * 100 = 25
RC BE: (120 / 125 - 1) * 100 = -4
RC TP: (116 / 125 - 1) * 100 = -7.2