Custom Options for Multiple Deals

At the moment, multiple deals follow the same settings as the initial deal. Need an option to customize this.

There are several use cases, where custom multiple deals with varying order sizes can act as a rescue or beef up the initial order. [DCA alone doesn’t help].

Keep in mind that multiple orders always help improve the entry price of the first initial order.

With auto deal merge function (which should also be introduced soon) and a suitable stop loss mechanism, the bot will even help avoid opening DCA orders largely and return much better profits even in bearish conditions.

Is this a feature suggestion?
Also I think you are referring to a new bot logic where a bot tracks different deals and try to balance the uPNL correct? - the current logic is different

Yes, a feature suggestion. Updated now.

And yes, the new auto merge deal logic can help balance the uPNL and help close deals faster.

I think the auto merge feature will need more case studies as only a few traders are applying it in their strategies

Is this the same topic?

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