Bug info:
I’m using dynamic price filter 4.2% spacing with multiple deals to cover a price range using DCA bots. I’m attaching the screenshots the distance between deals entry price seems different than which i set on dynamic pricing. in top range space seems less and when price at bottom space seems high.
Thank you for reporting this issue, Suresh. We’ve received your bug report regarding the discrepancy in deal spacing related to the dynamic price filter value. It’s clear that you’ve provided valuable details along with the bot URL, which will help us investigate the matter further.
We will look into this and update you shortly. If you have the deal ID associated with these transactions, please share it with us to assist in our investigation.
I’m using dynamic price filter for my strategy, so do you think we can’t calculate what extract deal count we need to cover a given price range.
ex cover 90% price range to down, using 4.2% dynamic price filter 30 deals.
I opened a topic for that DCA Bot with Dynamic price filter + multi deals
Thanks not DCA orders, i use 3 orders per DCA bot which cover 3% area, so when using dynamic price filter 4.2% from entry price of each deal next deal normally have 3% space between each entry prices, so i divided 90/3 = 30, is this not correct do we really need 49 deals to cover 90% down from a given price.
I don’t understand that calculation. Why should a dynamic price filter of 4.6% result in entry prices 3% apart of each other? And if you want to have a percentual spacing, you cannot divide the total (90) by a single deviation (3) but have to use logarithms.
You calculate the spacing arithmetically not geometrically. But dynamic price filters use geometric spacing. That’s why if you use under 3.57% and 25 deals than you only cover
I don’t know about any advanced math
but settings have 4.2% spacing between last deal entry price and next deal entry price,
according that label, bot should keep that spacing between deals.
above calculation is seems clearly wrong. Even a grade 5 student can tell that if the last deal entry price is 0.2881 and the new deal entry price is 0.2817, the difference is 2.27%, not 4.57%.