Hunter strat - long only - 1month feed back and results

Hello all !

I wanted to post my results and thoughts about Hunter strat after using it during almost 1 month, I think that my point of view can be interesting as I am using only LONG bots.

  1. Context :
  • Side : Long
  • BO/DCA : 5 USDT
  • Total investment per coin : 95 USDT
  • Platform : Bybit with unlimited trading on Gainium
  • Initial investment : 6677.66 USDT
  • Inital number of bots : 64
  1. Results :
  • Days : 27
  • Net profit : 352 USDT
  • Mean profit per day : 13.02 USDT
  • Total ROI : 5.28%
  • Mean ROI per day : 0.20%

  1. Personal changes to the strat :
  • I have reduced % step scale from blue chips from 2% to [1.0-1.5%] - BTC/ETH/BNB/LINK/DOT/ADA to make more deals. By doing this I bet that these coins are not going to -91% from ATH in case of a bear market (I cover up to 61.39% from the beginning of the deal). For the “shitcoins” I let the % scale to 2% but it’s up to you and your risk aversion to change it :wink:
  • Compounding by creating new bots : I know that in the classic Hunter strat is also the way to compound but instead of trying to add all the coins of the exchange, I prefer to only focus on the best performing coins which are the ones that present more volatility and have more bull momentum, this helps to achieve TP faster but also to open more trades with lots of DCA. I think that if a coin is working well, it has more chances to continue working well in the future than a random coin.

If you want some help to choose some coins, here are my Top-20 performer coins in ROI per day :

Column 1 Column 2
PAAL n°1 1,23%
PAAL n°2 0,89%
L3 0,83%
TAI 0,68%
MOVE 0,61%
PUFFER 0,52%
GOAT 0,41%
HBAR 0,39%
CRV 0,34%
SEND 0,30%
W 0,28%
SAND 0,25%
ENA 0,25%
PRCL 0,24%
SUPRA 0,24%
XLM 0,23%
APE 0,22%
LDO 0,22%
  1. Personal opinion on Long only vs Long/short strategy :
  • Lower $$ amount per bot necessary > more bots (and coins) > better coverage of the market
  • Compounding : more dynamic and fast compounding because less $$ per bot necessary
  • Portfolio value only depends on the profits
  • Don’t need to manually purchase assets before opening bot
  • Drawbacks : in bear season you won’t make a lot of profits, (but shorts on spot will be in also in red even if they make some profits)
  1. Possible community collaboration :
    If you you are running a similar strategy, I would (and also probably the community) be super happy to know which are the best coins that you are using and their daily ROI, this can help opening bots that will probably be more efficient and will make higher and faster returns to everyone. IN the next paragraph I will share the complete table of the ROI of all my bots on this strategy, this can be helpful for those who are willing to start this strat as you will know which coins worked best than others :smiley: Just a reminder that, even if a coin has been doing well, It doesn’t mean that it will continue to do well but in my opinion there are better probabilities to have better returns than a random coin. Good luck on the market!
Complete table of daily ROI per coin

|PAAL n°1|1,23%|
|PAAL n°2|0,89%|


Thanks for the insightful post! There’s a lot of valuable data here.

I’ve been experimenting with a personalized strategy using 20 different trading pairs. On average, I’m seeing a daily ROI of about 0.2%. For short positions, I’ve implemented a static price filter to avoid opening trades below the average price.

Ultimately, both long and long+short strategies on spot tend to profit primarily during uptrends. When you think about it, a short bot in spot trading functions similarly to a long bot. The key difference is that the short bot buys back the base currency to close a deal, while the long bot doesn’t.

Would love to hear thoughts or additional tips on refining this approach!


That’s why I always refer to “short” trades as long trades for the non-existent opposite pair.

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Wow, there’s a lot of valuable information here—thanks for sharing!

I have a few questions about this strategy.

If we implement this or any other strategy across all pairs on an exchange during a bull market, based on my previous experience, 90% of the coins will not reach their all-time high or the previous cycle’s high in the next bull cycle.

If we choose 300 coins, I think 200 of them would need to make us 100% profit to survive that kind of scenario. However, I’m not sure if short bots help with that or increase the risk.

So, before the next bear market, can we realistically outperform this scenario by using this strategy on unknown coins?

In your opinion, what is the real advantage of this strategy compared to traditional DCA and grid trading?

Thanks a lot!

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If both sides of the pair are volatile currencies like e.g. TRX/BTC our deals are always all-in and their value in USDT fluctuates with their prices.

With “short” deals we are almost all-in close to the buy price, but the more the price of base decreases will be less and less all-in in downtrends because our deals will have to sell a bigger and bigger amount of base to open “short” deals with a fix size in quote, which also reduces the number of possible DCA steps.

With long deals with an almost stable quote currency like USDT we are almost all-out at start. But the more the prices decrease without sufficient reversal to take profit our deals will go more and more all in while DCAing.

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Dear Perez,
Very interesting and thank you for sharing. I asked you some questions on the Telegram Gainium app. Also @aressanch what you shared about the short and static price filter was very interesting.


Dear Perez, finally I had some time today to start up some bots…
I am just wondering… You reduced the % Stepscale from 2 to 1-1.5? But the original was 1.1 correct?

This was the original with USDT % BO/DCA:

This is when I set the step scale to for example 1%, the USDT goes to USDT 167

So could you please specify what you ment with:
“reduced the % Stepscale from 2 to 1-1.5” since your total investment per coin is also USDT 95 and not USDT167 when I set another step scale for example.

Or do you have a link of your settings?

Changing the step scale should only affect long bots as now there will be more steps with a deviation smaller than 100% (aka -100%). Since now the maximum deviation covered is only around -60% all configured safety orders are at prices above 0; safety orders at prices below 0 will never be executed. Of course, your long bots will require more funds then.

Hi @Perez can you provide a working link of the Hunter strategy Long only I`m interested in try with some Coins this one, I cant find any workig link of this. Many thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Do those still work?

I cannot find any woking copy of this strat, theres is so much information in the threads but I cant see one working to see it deployed wich helps a lot to start with it

Hey it took me some time to answer! This strategy is not working very good in this bear conditions, I was barely making any profits for the past weeks and I’m DCAing everything down hoping that it will recover at some point. The profits made all along are not really helping as I invested everything again to try to compound but if it goes down you kind of lose what you invested. Hoping that people with both short and long bots are having better results but the shorts will have a bad time in total value I expect if everything goes down…
I would say that is a good strategy in bull or sideways conditions but it is hard to stay in when it goes against you. Let’s see what happens next :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s why it’s essential that you use long/short otherwise it’s just a dca long

You will see how it works the moment you run it on a real account - hope it helps


Many thanks @Perez for your answer and insights. Well looks like some coins are near capitulation wich is a great oportunity to start this kind of bot, Sadly when BTC going down all coins goes with it and can destry any DCA in coins with 400% up
but theres something that could be good or bad it dependeds
When I write you I saw Rune in a level of hisorical low wich looks like a great oportunity, maybe some more are there wich could lead a potential recovery in coming months

So I took one Combo bot with 125usdt to test if Im wrong in a config similar to the Hunter. I put it in never ending grid but I think in change to TP, will see… I hope this help
Also I open 1 Combo in BTC, I think this is not the end of the cycle yet… :slight_smile:

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I exported the configurations and added them to the article in the appropriate places.

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Many thanks!

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Very respectfully but all articles I read here about this strategy are misleading and contain wrong informations - I encourage those who want to learn or use this strategy to ask in the telegram group - neither me or Ed will write an article about this strategy sorry