Strategy: Gauss Bot

Gauss Bot
This is a Bot series that tries to recreate how the Gauss curve works but only looking for a MA (WMA in this case) that can be approximated, in the end the tests include a variety of combinations HMA, WMA, RSI, MACD as indicators and confirmations. I only leave one so it can be optimized if anyone likes this idea

Basically, by crossing an EMA and supported by another indicator (Bollinger), it tries to exploit a movement up or down with an adjusted SL, betting that the up cycles are longer than the down cycles and in the down cycles try to generate a gain knowing that they are steep and short.

I hope some one find it usefull and can improve it :slight_smile:

Gauss Bot

Gauss Bot


Thanks for sharing your strategies with the community! You have earned your title “Strategist” :grinning:

It’s awesome to see you actively contributing and providing valuable insights for everyone here. I haven’t had much time to experiment with strategies myself lately, but I’m sure others will dive in and provide their feedback.

Your efforts to share and collaborate are what make this community so great. Keep it up—it’s appreciated more than you know! Looking forward to seeing how others build on your ideas.


Many thanks Ares for your kindly words :slight_smile:

Also in other news, we have a “Curated strategies” coming up soon that will replace the bot presets. I’m thinking of a way to compensate people who put time and effort into developing strategies. The way it will work is that the system will test every coin of every exchange, then display a summary table. As long as the strategy pass some minimum requirements it can be published. So this might be something you can be interested in when it comes out.


Thanks for the idea to replace the presets. I guess this feature request will be obsolete then:

Sounds really good! :partying_face: